Friday, September 26, 2008

Jayabati Barik - strange case

Pretty strange ... really strange thing happens to me for last couple of days. Somebody named Jayabati Barik from ManickTala keeps calling me on my mobile number from her reliance hand set. I don't know her, neither she. Actually M/s Jayabati looking for somebody called Mr. Bhadra. I don't know who is Mr. Bhadra and what is the relation/connection of Mr Bhadra to M/s Barik. And it happens for last 3/4 days. Why so? - Actually somehow Mr. Bhadra's number matches very nicely with me except the 4th digit from last. In my number this is 8 ..... however Mr Bradra's is 0. So I assume she makes 8 always in place of 0! And I assume that she might either be elderly ... or she might have problem in eye sight. But it's somehow disturbing to get wrong calls always. Btw, she is always very gentle and I can feel an urgency into her voice ... something like she wants to contact Mr Bhadra fervently.

So being desperate, I called her today asking why she keeps on calling me knowing that I'm not Mr Bhadra. And what I heard from her over phone is somehow makes me worried!

She gets a little shop and a home at ManickTala which somebody (probably promoter) want to snatch away from her. And they attach her physically due to which she lost her eye-sight! I frozen ... I've heard those types, read those in news-paper, but never talk to some person of that sort earlier (assuming she is telling me the truth). Due to her bad vision (or no vision!) she makes a mistake when dialing. And even she does not know Mr Bhadra. She only knows that Mr. Bhadra is such a fellow in this otherwise mundane world who is eagerly help people in such situations.

Though I have not got any answer why the mistake only makes at the last digit! Why not other digits! Or may be the case she makes mistake in all the digits and different people are getting calls from her worriedly asking ... "Mr. Bhadra bolchen?" (Is that Mr Bhadra speaking?).

So I offer her a work around. We all know the middle 5 button of mob key pad is slightly high to make it comprehensive for those types of otherwise enabled persons. So I told her that when you're dialing the last digit, please make sure just the above button is not slightly high. That ensures you're dialing 0.

And on behalf of her, I put a SMS to Mr Bhadra requesting him to talk to her. I can not contact Mr. Bhadra as his phone was switched off. Don't know whether Mr. Bhadra at all called her up.

I wud be happy if at least once Mr Bhadra will call her and talk to her.

I wud be happy if I can somehow help her.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Success Story of Interface (Green World)

Hello All,

Got some time to trash out some more idea into this blog. Bear with me please ...

Actually very recently I come across one interesting report titled as "Green Jobs:
Towards Decent Work in sustainable, low carbon world":

In the 1990s, Interface launched a transition from selling to leasing office carpets. It remains responsible for keeping the carpet clean, in return for a monthly fee. Regular inspections permit the company to focus on replacing just the 10–20 percent of carpet tiles that show most of the wear and tear, instead of the entire carpet, as in past practice. This more targeted replacement helps reduce the amount of material
required by some 80 percent.

Interface has also made strides toward making the carpet material more durable. It developed a new material called solenium that lasts four times as long as traditional carpets, but uses up to 40 percent less raw material and embodied energy. In addition, used carpets can be completely remanufactured into new carpets, instead of being thrown away or “down-cycled” into less valuable products.

The company’s accomplishments over the past decade are impressive. Between 1996 and 2007, the amount of waste sent to landfills from its manufacturing facilities decreased by 66 percent. During that time, the company’s “ReEntry” program reclaimed a total of 60 million pounds (about 30,000 metric tons)of carpet material that otherwise would have been sent to landfills. Meanwhile, the percentage of recycled
and bio-based materials used to manufacture products has increased from 0.5 percent to 25 percent. Energy use per square yard of carpet produced has been cut by 45 percent, and the share of renewable energy has risen from zero to 27 percent. Total greenhouse gas emissions are down 33 percent.

Great one ..... Just do a search in Google, you'll have the original document (of page : 376 :)) A good reading .... mind it just reading, going through it I'm not sure how much this will ultimately be applicable. Note that Kyoto Protocol is yet to be adopted on principle.

Happy Reading ....

[reference : Green Jobs: Towards Decent Work in a Sustainable, Low-Carbon World,
UNEP/ILO/IOE/ITUC, September 2008.

The Report is available for download at:]

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Gloom .... boom ... droommmmmmmmmm

That's exactly happens in USA recently. Gloom ... boom ... droom ..... You know, there is a famous economics theory, named after Nikolai Kondratiev, who suggested economies are characterized by 50-year cycles that include innovation, robust commercialization, and subsequent economic slow-down as the implementation of that innovation ages and matures." [see]. Consequently in our stock market jargon, there is something called Elliot Wave [].

However those are like n number of aliases of Lord Krishna. Actually it's a depression - an economic depression - who's know will it be Greater or Greatest! Remember 1929 NYSE crash that trigger the Great Depression. However the World now-a-days is not so fragile as that of 1929. At that time the country borders were created in tables of conference rooms with lots of smoke, coffee. We all at least have some ideas of First World War - Germany's defeat - and Treaty of Versailles which shapes out the artificial state borders and League of Nations ... dhushhhhhh ... so fragile that multiple dictatorships arises - Hitler in Germany, Mousolline in Italy. This mixed up with exhaustion of industrial progression of almost around 100 years, started around 1844 in Britain as Industrial Revolution. So the system was actually looking for the next big jump .... may be the era of end of Imperialists, starts of era of entrepreneurship's, rise of USA to one pole of the bilateral World, the United Nations, real acceptance of USSR as the other pole of the World, cold war and obviously more devastating weapons starting from Atom bombs. And the Great Depression is actually the trigger point of that big jump - as I always perceived it like this way. I think if there is no Great Depression - even if Hitler's insatiable hunger of land and fake Arianism - the 2nd World War would never happens. Chamberlain (Britain's P.M at initial days of war) et. al. would somehow manage Hitler and Hitler would Mussolini. So a big jumps need big disturbance. And World war - II tops down the whole system! - the Gold Exchange was stalled - USD $ becomes major currency. And USA/USSR becomes fulcrums in the coming ages.

Now think of present scenario. Yes - we're in an age of extreme miniatures and pretty less physical activities. And age of Information. Never before in history of mankind, information becomes so abundant and becomes a commodity by itself. Moreover it's an era of indiscriminate usage of all the natural resources. USA is still major power, but seems fatigued by its own virtue of history. They're trying hard - none the less - it's just not clicking like Sourav Ganguly in recent times. And slowly China & India are picking up .. so much that India got a side bench in WEF in Davos ... and can not stop to sign the nuclear treaty with USA withstanding the allergies of some other nations to see the elegance of tri-colour. This becomes possible simply because India is going well and expected to do well in prosperity - albeit the distribution of wealth needs to be adjusted and a lot more to be done like in Infrastructure - both hard as well as soft (HR). Certainly we don't have another World War, that is not possible at current scenarios - but the changes will be more subtle. India and China and other emerging nations slowly turns the balance of payments towards their side. They will have more & more companies, amalgamations under their umbrellas and hence will occupy more wealth of the World by themselves. Thus the BoP will be tilted toward us. And certainly the fulcrum of the world!

Hope for the best ....

Monday, September 15, 2008

Third Person Singular Number

Cinemas, my father's generation used to call it talkies, whereas we comfortably calls it movies, are a form of expressionist art, though costly, can be a suitable vehicle to broadcast a person's view the way he/she is looking into the society - partly or fully. And we now-a-days make ourselves used to accustomed with the subtle fear of terrorist eventualities - be it in any form. This cinema - A Wednesday - directed by Neeraj Pandey is able to depict the increasingly inherent indignation of general people, called collectively as public, towards hollow, mission-diverted eventualities of terrorists. The title of the cinema, like it's main fulcrum Nassirudding Shah , is just 'A Wednesday' - comes with generic specification it may happens on anyday, - not on some specific red calender days India may susceptible for uncanny eventualities! And Nasirudding Shah, here is just a nameless 'stupid common man', implanted five bombs into five different locations of Mumbai in the intend of get rid of cockroaches from his home. It involves some distinct dialogs between Nasirudding and Prakash Rathor, C.P., Mumbai (Anupam Kher) to handover four terrorists from different Mumbai jails, namely - Ibrahim Khan (Mumbai '93 blast), Iflak Ahmed (Gujrat '02 blast), Md. Zalil (Mumbai 06 blast) and Kurshid Lala. As per Nassirudding's claim all the four are taken in Juhu aviation base, guided by two able police officers - Jay Singh (Jimmy Shergill) and Alif Khan (Aamir Bashir) chased by UTV Reporter Naina Roy (Deepal Shaw) and photographer Raj. Pardon me to stop here - lets wrap the story upto watching of the movie.

To me, - the pivotal point is the very last scene of the cinema when Anupam Kher meets Nassiruddin Shaw in face - this is just superb - the way Nassiruddin moves from one shade of his character to the other. All actors are apt, dialogs, direction and detailing (both in scenes as well as in characters) are also proportinate - specially dialogs on Anupam Kher are mingled aptly with witty humor.

This cinema is surely view-able. Stupid Common Man - 'fakhar hai'!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Amake Mota bolo naaa

Again me here.

Today on something very much 'relevant' for me as well as some other people around. Right? - Please keep yours hand up those who think themselves like the picture attached. Don't worry ... nobody is looking at you. So come on ... late is better never (not to become obsess).

You know - obesity now-a-days becomes a global phenomenon. If you put a search on google, - you'll get the idea. And it perfectly cites all the reasons, precautions, treatments, rehabilitations & all. However this is not exactly for re-citing those. Rather let me put here what all I understand, in a nutshell, from those stuffs.

Basically let us first admit straight forward that our live is now very much tranquil than our predators. Just imagine, what they were used to do for their live and what you do! They have to climb the tree for an apple (apple is always symbolic of some unmentioned seemingly naughty stuffs Adam did to Eve with her full consent, I hope). And we need to, at most, open a fridge door. And think of the work-done they've to embrace for saving money at zero percent interest (those days were always zero-coupon rate days anyway): first need to find out a suitable place, dig out the soil, cut some leaves, wrap the belongings into those leaves, place those inside the holy hole and (may be) invent some labyrinthic rhymes for successors to get it out. Off ..... can't imagine. And now ..... just a few clicks (four clicks + 2 drop menu for HDFC online FD account opening) @ 9% interest! Just thumps down dear!

Now come about food digest systems of human body. Our knowledge in forms of science makes progress leaf and bound with respect to food, specially synthetic foods. However the God, if any, lacks a bit. Hence He (assuming God is masculine, mail me if not) fails to make evolve the human body so much. So our body system keeps themselves in the era of oldies, whereas our habits progress to the era of Six Abs Packs. Plus the ever reducing of the physical activities. Result ? - Intake becomes quite disproportional to the Consumption. And so storage in forms of fat in all places of the body resulting the picture attached earlier.

There is no point in believing that Obesity is driven by genetic code and so it's beyond our control. This is a bogus logic. Actually it's been proven that a genetic adjustment takes centuries to evolve, whereas Obesity, in other hand, becomes a global issue in just last 3/4 decades! It's true often Obesity gets manifested among family members. But this is more of leading almost same habitual life related to lifestyle, eating habits, sleeping habits & all for members of same family. However these is some links of BMI wrt. the Obesity.

So ......... remedy? - Try to answer USA President Jr. Bush'es comment about BIG eater Indians with a swift answer 'NO'! What else? - Because I know you will never wake up in early morning for a brisk walking of 45 mins / 5 days a week.

Best Regards,
Obsess Pradip

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Saash-Bahu-Sona-Aur Sensex

Statutory Warning: Those who're not spirited enough to kill their times, should leave now.

Blogging ... Blogging .... Blogging ... about my fav passion ...... stock market. This time I will present a nice picture which depicts the last 6 months Gold vs. Equity tallies. Please refer to the picture besides.
The red one is the BSE Sensex ... representing the Indian Stocks. And the blue one is the cost of 1 grm of Gold ... in it purest form. I'm taking one particular Gold ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) where 1 unit represents one gram of pure gold. And what you find is exactly a Sash - Bahu relationship .... completely complementary to each other. Isn't it dear? See all the ups and downs ... they're almost opposite to each others. That's amazing to me .....

So now the question is : if somebody holds both of equal amount? - Please send me the reply dear at my email id.

Waiting for your reply .....


Celebrating an era of daily passengering ....

Aha .... Reminiscence are always sails smooth .. be it about how she looked when I first met her, be it the very first day of my daily passengering. Actually it was 26th August of 1996. And then ...... 12 years are passed by ........ lots happens across the world, a new bridge has been there over Ganges besides old Bally Bridge, got a new connector from Bally to Dumdum breezed just in 20 mins ... however nothing is as divine as daily passengering via 8:55 Dankuni local from Bally Ghat Station to Bidhannagar .... 5 times a week for last 12 years. And 2008 is my year of celebrating the 12th year of daily passengering, promotes me to chit-chat here. Hope you don't mind.

I can still remember the very first day of my journey ... a day when for the first time, I moving out of my locality for educational purpose to JU-2nd campus. Imagine your first day in an engg college ... the obvious picture will be a nervous face, for the possibility of ragging. Our induction was scheduled at 10:20 a.m. So I need to catch 8:55 train. And that becomes my lifeline for the next 12 years till date. I'm really really passionate about daily passengering ... some time it is difficult ... annoying .... depressing ........ yet by a large extend ..... this is superb experience. Why? - simply because this is probably the only place where I can hear the 'voice of people'. I just love to hear what people says about all the recent topics ..... from politics to play to policies to economics. And if you compile all the sayings, you'll get a perfect view of the Incredible India. Believe me .... it's not smooth ride, yet it has other facet which I njoy the most. I just lov it ................

Lots of chit-chat .... however let me turn my face to a bit serious ... basically I've a few proposals of how the reform should be done in Indian Railways ..... such that going forward more & more people can write such trash blogs .... rite?

  1. All local trains must be of 12 compartments
  2. Indian Govt should only maintain the tracks, not trains. Rather private players should be allowed to run trains .... much like Indian air space .....
  3. Indian Railways must be make Public Ltd .....

Pardon me for such a bhat .... and thanks for reading it ....


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My first blogging

Hey All ....

This is Pradip ..... a name given by my parents. So I'm not sure what is the implication of this name, neither really interested to. And this is my first blogging. I think everybody should do everything, at least once in life. Everybody should at least go to a Mandir at least once in life, go to a football field, to a disc, to a race-course, to Singur .... and .. and all places under the Sun (assuming you're not some aspirants like Kalpana Chawla, Right?). And so I'm here .... just to blog.

I'm now 30 ... I think a ummmm age ..... really! It's an age when you suddenly feel that you've almost spent/lost/sailed half of your life ....... and still there are sooooooooooooooo many things you're not aware of!!! You don't know what is called six pack abs, you don't know what is the name of the president of Guatemala, you don't know how nuclear treaty is dangerous for India, you know know how to become a good husband, you don't know how to become a good supervisor (in work), you don't know how to mix up with younger generation, you dont know what all you need to know!!! And a stupid man --- you've missed 30 years in your life ... shit!!!!!! Go to Hell Man ................. (At least I know I'm a man)

Now some of my friends are a regular blogger ..... not me till yesterday. But with this, I'm at least able to put one 'dont-know' to river Ganges ..... I'm a blogger now ....... lol ..... hope that some pretty faces will read this blog :)

By the way, - I'm always all 'don't know' as 'don't care'.

Just Chillax
